This is, essentially, a home for a hodge-podge of things I couldn't cram elsewhere on the site--all cryptic references and interesting tidbits that don't exactly fit into the chronological history. Well, cut loose, kiddies, and lemme know if I missed anything. There are still a few issues I don't own, after all.
Just how does Domino do what she does?
A quasi-complete list of all the comics Domino has appeared in.
A list of the creative teams who worked on the above listed comics.
Culled from the back of an ancient X-Force issue, see some insight on Domino as written by her long-time partner.
He's an immortal genetisist with a severe lack of morals and and unhealthy fascination with all things Summers. So what's his connection to Domino?
The Practical Guide to Lady Luck can be summed up with three simple rules.
Marvel's been stingy on offering up pieces of history on their shadowy tough-chick, but there are a few...
The trials and tribulations regarding the much delayed second LS, including articles and images.
Comic reviews for recent issues in which Domino has a role, including the long anticipated 2nd LS.
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