Domino #3 Writer: Joe Pruett
Art: Brian Stelfreeze

Perfect Weapon: Part 3 of 4

Day Eighteen opens with a funeral. Looks like Jonathon really is dead. Huh. I'm sure not gonna complain. Anyway, cue Dom for feeling bad over the whole thing... (I don't blame her, her friends *do* have a nasty habit of winding up dead.) Then she gets a call from Theresa (Siryn), who has apparently been looking into a few things from Dom. And she's got info that Dom's not gonna like. Seems Dom pulled a laptop out of the fiery mess Jonathon made, and it's got proof that he'd been using Dom and others for years for his own purposes. Let them retrieve items for him, and he'd sell them off to the highest bidder. Naturally, this doesn't sit well with Dom, as I think she actually trusted the guy. Go figure. Anyway, Jonathon's been receiving emails from some guy named 'Krusny Silyotka,' who's getting annoyed because Jonathon has yet to deliver this 'perfect weapon' that Project Armageddon centers around. At this point, I found myself wondering if there was really going to be any truth to having Dom's mother involved, or if it was all a plant to get her involved. Hrrrrm. Anyway, Dom decides to go get the weapon herself. Sometimes, I have to question her sanity, since, as she points out, this Krusny guy obviously has no idea where the weapon is if he was relying on Jonathon to get it, so it's prolly safe where it is. Then again, if she'd done the smart thing, we wouldn't have a plot.

Day Ninteen, and we're back to the ninja-monks. Cue a lot of psudo-religious babble and talk about letting Dom liberate the weapon for them, which they had, apparently, originally had possession of. This thing can, it seems, bring an end to whole civilizations. Oh, and they call themselves the Armajesuits. Right... *sigh* I hate fanatical, cult-ish sects. They're so... well, fanatical. And these guys don't seem to believe in shoes.

Day twenty, and we're in the Florida Everglades again. Dom's mothering her way towards, well, probably that base where the guy was being hunted last issue. She gets a little too close, though and... er, woops. That's a big explosion. Some guys from the base come to put out the flames of their handiwork and drag a body out of the water. One guy stays behind to finish clearing up, and tells the other two to make sure the sentries know he's coming back. Quick cut to the general in charge being notified that they've caught and killed an intruder, and then down to the forensics department where the poor doctor is up in the middle of the night to autopsy the body.

...only it's already been autopsied (not to mention covered with white paint.) Yeah, Dom went low-tech with her decoy... of course, this causes me to realize that she had to actually sit down with a corpse and *paint it white.* The girl is not right in the head, but it gave me a laugh. So, the real Dom gets a drop on the doc, tranqs him, and firebombs the lab, and generally makes chaos, staying disguised as one of the troops (having no doubt ambushed the poor guy who stayed behind when her boat exploded). We then switch to two guys in a watch tower who suddenly discover the surrounding swamp is filled with shoe-less religious wackos. Oh, dear.

Back to Dom, who's made her way down to the last corridor, at the end of which is (conceivably) that 'perfect weapon.' A few fancy moves has her through a maze of infrared beams, and a little luck gets her the final door combination. (General is not happy someone has breached this. I say, it's his own damned fault for not palm/voice/retinal scan-locking the thing.)

And behind the door is--

I'm not telling. ;)

Anyway, a few technical comments--the art is better. There aren't any pannels that had me tilting my head, and this is good. The storyline is actually moving again, which is good, and Jonathon is dead, which is a great bonus. The last page is an utter mind-blower, and I can't *wait* to see just what the *hell* is going on.

Gets a 4, because the monk guys continue to be strange and annoying. I hope they explain them decently in the last issue.
